Thursday, December 23, 2010

making Christmas merry

sometimes when things are difficult you take what is right in front of you for granted. 

not being 100% sure why, this Christmas just seems more difficult than any other has ever been.  last night i walked past a picture in our bathroom that we took on a trip to the ilse of palms in sc after having to cancel our trip to mexico when we found out our first sweet baby was probably not going to make it into this world.  i see that picture every day.  we were so happy - even with the news we'd been given - because we held out hope that the dr. was wrong and that this precious baby inside me would grow to term and spend it's life with us.  looking at the picture last night reminded me of all of the stepping stones we've used to get across this river, and that no matter how raging the river was, that will was there - right beside me - holding my hand.

i know that there is a possibility that this will be our last Christmas alone, and so i hope we can take it slowly - minute by minute - and treasure every single thing that unfolds between now and then.  will is my protector, my best friend, my soul mate, my reassurance, and the daddy-o of our future babies.  i hope on this Christmas, more than ever before he knows how wonderfully remarkable he is, and how i just cannot wait to raise babies with him.


1 comment:

Melodie said...

merry christmas to you, sweet girl! Will sounds like the perfect fit for you. and i know god has another perfect fit in store. hoping and praying that come christmas 2011, there's an extra stocking hanging on your mantle! but enjoy 2010 for all its worth. and it sounds like that is already your exact plan. off to find that verse!