Wednesday, December 15, 2010


got an email from Bethany Christian tonight.  i was hoping for a packet - the next steps - the seminar - something.  it was a Christmas card - and don't get me wrong, it was wonderful - just not what i thought we needed right at that moment.

seems like we've had lots of lessons in patience through the years.  i mean, it's not like we just showed up on this journey without a lot of hard work to get to this point, and it took us 6 years of being infertile to know we were on the right path.  however, now that the initial paperwork is in it seems like we need patience now more than ever.

we know there are going to be things we cannot control - the time line in which everything happens on everyone else's end is one of those things - the critical one of those things.  we are just so over the moon ready for this to happen it seems like we're in the home stretch, when really we have not even begun.

so - we're going to work on our patience, and trust in GOD to know that when the right baby is born HE will send us right to them.

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