Monday, March 15, 2010


we've been derailed here lately.  though we've still been working on saving funds for our adoption bank, we've gotten side tracked on our research.  we've both been working overtime lately and will has had some issues with some back pain that has led to a lot of dr. visits.  however, both of us still agree that our number one priority is to stay on track for adoption paperwork to be filed for 2011. 

this past week i emailed children's home society of NC for information on their infant adoption program.  i emailed back and forth with a representative for a few days and got a letter on their wait list.  at this time they are supporting open adoptions, which are really not where we want to go for our first adoption, so i asked her to reconfirm that is their only option at this time, before we cross them off the list.  they currently have a 3-6 month wait list to be involved in their regular wait program which takes between 12 -18 months for placement.  their program, from what i know, sounds good, except for the open adoption allowance.  we may just be too jealous to go down that path just yet.